Sadistic Pleasure

Sadistic pleasure…

I always try to pull leg of my pals around me. But lots of times close pals around me, too pull my leg. How we take up is entirely up to us (them). There are instances when these kinds of things backfire as well. It happened once and my colleague had termed it  as a “sadistic pleasure”. Though it was not a serious thing, but that expression with which he told was simply amazing and worth receiving an award.

From that time onwards the word sadistic pleasure (SP) is in my mind as I want to find out a right definition for that through people’s behavior. I tried to go through some instances when people around you try to piss you off and that can be termed as SP. There have been quite a few instances in our apartment when some individuals try to simply create trouble to association members by pointing out unnecessary issues. I, also being a member of the Resident’s association feel awfully irritated.

There are instances when someone gets stuck up in the lift and press a panic alarm. This is essentially used when power is off or lift has a breakdown. But one gentleman does that to just check to see if the security person can come or not.

The same gentleman always try to identify the flaw in the current structure and the way things are handled. But never makes an attempt to be a part of system and contributing in some way to make things work. Instead he likes to stay out and keep on barking about some useless issues.

There is a gentleman who can park car on the way of the other car, and expect that he should be informed 3-4 hours in advance. And in case of any emergency, the one whose car blocked up should be on the mercy of god. Apart, this gentleman also goes on giving advice about getting a cab or borrowing car from other people and carry on with the work.

A former association member always used to send reminders late night about paying the monthly maintenance, but completely forget to pay the same for two months and remain totally ignorant about the same.

One more typical SP: You like the food, but keep on telling the one who prepared that this can’t be done by you. Initially express your displeasure over it but later end up finishing all the stuff. But never ever acknowledge or at least express some words to encourage to the one who has prepared it.

There are more and more … But better to keep them off and save ourselves from some negative energy.. 😉