First rain of this summer…

Usually the summer never used to be so harsh in Bangalore. (Sometimes I felt is it the same Bangalore what it used to be couple of years back or have I shifted back to Hyderabad again).  Though, it used to be sunny but temperature usually used to be some what sustainable. This year summer was not only dry but also the temperature rose to a new level. Sun god (Helios in Greek mythology, Aditya/Ishaan/Mihir in Hindu Mythology, Aodh in scottish, Ciro in Spanish, Samson in Hebrew and so on…)  will be full swing by as early as 7.30 in the morning and one could simply rush to get into office so that a/c could give some respite. And as the day progresses you see the “anger and aggression” sun god. He reaches peak during noon and it almost becomes impossible to go out by then. Even we observe the heat coming from walls exposed to sun directly and even ceiling fans blow away hot air. Most of us who used to consume less or no water, gulp to have some relaxation from scorching heat. Even during the sun set, the heat wave just blows now and then in cab while we return from office.

Slight relaxation during evening and night, and me and Ams were desperately waiting for a good ice cream parlor where we could go after dinner and should be nearby our place. Finally we got one “Polar bear” ice cream center in Chandra Layout road … Though we love “Corner House”, but at least for time being the service and hospitality is fine.

Meantime again another day begins, and we start to feel the temperature might be more than what it was previous day. Somewhere around 2 in the noon, some clouds gather and cover the aggressive sun under them. As if uncomfortable behind the clouds, the sun tries to come out. But after some hide and seek the clouds over power and cover entire sky and with thunder lightning clouds announce they have won, making way to a cold wave followed by number of tiny rain drops. Mother earth happily receives the first drops of rainwater and the entire atmosphere around slowly turns into pleasant cold breeze… Finally respite from heat to Bangalore… A sigh of relief… Most would love to get wet into that rain… With a cup of tea, I recollect few lines of Marathi song from Milind Ingle’s album Garava… and watch that lovely rain outside with my office pals… 

उन जरा जास्त आहे, दर वर्षी वाटत
भर उनात पाउस घेवून आभाळ  मानत दाटत
तरी पाउले चालत रहातात मन चालत नाही
घामा शिवाय शरिरामधे कुणीच बोलत नाही
तितक्यात कुठून एक ढग सूर्य समोर येतो
उन्हा मधील काही भाग पंखा खली घेतो
वारा उनाड मूल सारखा सैरा वैरा पळत राहतो
पाना फुला झाडान वर्ती छपरा वर्ती चढून पाहतो
दुपार तलून संध्याकाळ चा सुरु होतो पुन्हा खेळ
उन्हा मागून चालत येते गार गार कातार्वेल
चक्य डोल्यान समोर रुतु कूस बदलून घेतो
पावसा आधी ढगन मधे कुठून गारवा येतो

As the rain stops, few people who took shelter under a big tree on South end road come out with sharp axe and ropes to cut the same tree. Yeah…The 220th tree is facing axe in the name of “namma metro” and many more are lined up to be sacrificed for giving shadow on every sunny day and providing shelter for number of birds, animals and people on a rainy day. For all the service they had done to mankind this was the end trees deserved.

Please stop cutting the tress in the name of development… Later our children and grand children will suffer for our mistakes..