Gandhi Smiles….


Gandhian techniques based on principles of M.K. Gandhi. These are derived from the inspiration, vision and life work of Gandhi. Gandhism also permeates into the realm of the individual human being, non-political and non-social.


Popular Gandhian techniques include Satyagraha, Ahimsa, swadeshi and fasting…. 


Speaking about globalization of Gandhism…


Gandhi’s deep commitment and disciplined belief in non-violent civil disobedience as a way to oppose tyranny, oppression and injustice has inspired many subsequent political figures, including Martin Luther King Jr. (and may be Obama in future, who also draws inspirations from King Jr.)  of the United States, Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, Nelson Mandela and Steve Biko of South Africa, Lech Wałęsa of Poland and Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar. By and large all have had success and leaders like Suu Kyi have fair amount of influence on the local government in Myanmar.



Films on Gandhi have been instrumental in spreading awareness about Gandhism.  


Oscar winning director Richard Attenborough’s dream project presented Gandhi to the world and to India on Silver screen.


Coming back to India…


Many movies have been made on Gandhi in India. But not many have had the appeal for the masses. Recently Lage Raho Munnabhai popularized the concept of Gandhism and introduced Gandhigiri to young Indian Generation. It inspired many to take the way of non violence to fight against the injustice.


Kudos to Rajkumar Hirani and Sanjay Dutt …


The concept of GRAM SWARAAJ has been adopted in unreleased or soon to be released Kannada movie ‘Gandhi Smiles’.  Directed by debutant Krish Joshi and deals with the above issue in a nice dramatized way. Without getting into details of the plot (which even I’m not fully aware of…), I felt the concept and the adaption of the subject is quite interesting.


Interacting with Mr. Krish Joshi was an interesting and memorable experience for me, as I got to know many things about film making. The amount of work and professional approach Mr. Joshi adopted is worth mentioning here. Also in the era when there are more commercial and stereotype movies in Kannada, Krish’s idea of making a different genre movie is appreciable apart from his sincerity for producer’s money.


Let’s wish ‘Gandhi Smiles’ good luck and it makes a mark in Kannada film industry. ….


