Flash lights and Fuel Station

What Eye sees, ear hears, Mind Believes

– Gebrial Sheron (Ex-Mossad/CIA Agent)

The above quote is very much true with most of us. Based on certain facts/things we hear or see, we have a kind of preset frame of mind about everything. It could be a any commodity or movie or even a place/country, person etc…

This holds true very much with the image of India as well. I have seen many people from west coming and taking pictures of things which put us still as a poor country. Like three people riding on a bike, cow/buffalos on the road, road side pavements, beggars, daily wage workers and the list goes on and on… There are blogs which talk about the accent of Indians, about the eating habits and talk about the hygiene factor as well.  With recent incident of Delhi gang rape (I will talk about its effect on the image of India in future write up), there has been lots of discussion about India in foreign media and these things have definitely taken out “Feel-Good” factor from us.

Not only visitors (not everyone, but few of them) by putting a kind of a bad picture, make us feel low, but even writers who love to portray India in a poor fashion. Few award winning novels have put India in a very bad shape with less facts and more and more fiction. An Oscar winning movie, which has portrayed us in a very poor and ill manner, got plenty of applauds abroad. And unfortunately, we feel that it’s an awesome movie which got us Oscar. Well, I am more proud of Gandhi (1982, Dir : Richard Attenborough) rather than some movie which shows Indians as slumdogs.

Well, but all these things are what few people feel, there are still more and more people who come to India and fall in love at first site. There are still plenty of people who love to visit India again and again. Who have loads of good memories about India and that makes us to feel really proud.

When I came here to UK on a short trip, as usual I was having a preset mind about the place and people. It was sometime in office when one of my colleagues Girish, who is from India and was also on short visit told me that his navigation was stolen from the car in a parking area here by breaking the glass with a stone (Bargate drive in Wolverhampton, be careful guys. It’s better to be safe than sorry!!!). This thing really made me think as there are good people everywhere; there are bad people as well. And the same thing was told by my British colleague. Similar incident happened to my colleague Rajesh as well, in exact same manner but it was a famous shopping mall in Bangalore.

After this narration from Girish, I made sure that I don’t leave anything valuable in car or atleast to be visible to others from windscreen.

But there was one incident which really made me to change my perspective.

It was around 8 in evening and I wanted to refuel my car, and was driving on the Bridgenorth road with a speed limit of 30 miles an hour indicated on navigation and couple of speedcams on road. I was still not feeling very comfortable to drive on UK roads at that point of time. The traffic is not very chaotic here like home. People are quite strict about lane discipline and speed limits. Honking is strict “NO”, unless you break the rule or cross over lane. Simply honking is treated as rude gesture equivalent to scolding. Speed cams here and there made me scary about traffic rule violations and possible tickets which come with heavy fine. Also there was a scare of getting the license cancelled and need to take a drive test all over again to be eligible to drive again. Getting the license cancelled is not considered to be a nice thing here.

Unlike home, where we have a RTO officer sitting in a corner and asking us to take a drive, here it’s almost 2-3 hours test with an officer sitting beside you and taking you through a really thorough test. I have a couple of friends who have failed thrice and still attempting to get a license.

With all these things poping up, while driving to the fuel station (petrol bunk), I was followed by a yellow Nissan Micra, flashing high beams on me frequently. Initially I was thinking my speed is low, but when I saw the speedometer, I was driving at right speed limit. Subsequent flashing really got me worried and I took turn at the Bridgenorth road Shell bunk. As I was waiting to get down to fill up the fuel (Well, again there is no one waiting to fill up the fuel unlike home, need to get it filled self and pay in the counter), the same Micra was standing on the other side of the road. There was a chill in my spine, but somehow I was in confusion and also kind of a scare as what exactly is going on. Also I recollected about an incident which I read in paper about how a women was robbed in petrol bunk. I was about to move my car thinking that something is not correct and in the meantime a tall guy came and knocked the window of my car and signed me to lower the glass. I thought for a while and before I could think, he again told me to lower than glass. Hesitantly I lowered the glass and also I was under surveillance cam and also quite a few people in bunk. So it gave me strength that, I was not alone if something goes wrong.

“You have forgotten to put on the lights mate.. Just wanted to tell you to put the lights on before someone hits you from back accidently… put on the lights mate before you drive, as urs seem to be a new car. This is why was flashing the lights on you” the guy told me in a heavy English accent. At a moment I really felt sorry for imagining all the things about this guy without understanding what actually the intention was.

I got down from the car and thanked him before I put on the light.

He just smiled and said “No probs mate, take care,, cheers” and got into his Micra, waved and drove off with his friend (I assumed so).

I may never see him again to return back his favor, but this incident will remain in my mind forever as one of nice experiences here.

Thanks so much pal… Hope to see you again… Cheers…

Food and Us…

There are two things I just love to do it anytime. Travel with company of close friends (to be particular, its Sesh, Vasuki, Bhoo and Ams) and eating. Though I am out of my home country right now, but these are the most missed things and I feel if these things should be shifted somehow here in UK.

After a hell of hectic week (I am not sure its due to work or due to something else), we had company of Sesh and Vasuki to hang around. And to know all the perfect locations, there could be no one except Mr. Seshraj who could guide us. Born and brought up in Bangalore, he knows each corner and at which place what is best prepared. Apart from experiencing best South Indian cuisine including our national breakfast Dosa, under his valuable guidance we have tasted it all in South Bangalore.

From SLV near Ramkrishna Ashrama, Brahman café to MTR near Urvashi theatre, he is never tired of driving and always be with us all the time taking us through nooks and corners of Bangalore. There are instances when we had breakfast in “South Thindees” in Jayanagar and had evening coffee in Siddharth in Mysore. There are innumerable number of such memorable journey we had, sometimes we felt crazy about ourselves, but we really enjoyed all the trip.

My lecturer in collage used to tell “If you are failing to PLAN, the you are planning to FAIL”. Well, sir without planning we have made all of our trips successful and we really enjoyed it.

Times when Vasuki/Ams felt bored, Sesh never got bored to drive and take us along on some real long trips. Some trips we explored old architectures, but some purely meant for food. As a group we never planned to go to a particular place, but only decided when we crossed the city limits of B’lore and hit the highway.

Well, here was one more thing. Most of the times, this was the toughest task – Where should we get food ?

Waiting for Pizza..

Waiting for Pizza..

Near Tiffanees.. On Mysore Highway..

Near Tiffanees.. On Mysore Highway..

Ise bolte hain din main taare dikhana.. lol

Ise bolte hain din main taare dikhana.. lol

It’s not because we have less choice, but because we had tasted in most of them. Sometimes it used to take 10 min to decide and sometimes it’s close to 45 min.

Apart from these, we had (have) two groups in here.  One, who loved typical South Indian food and another group which loved (Loves) Pizzas, Noodles and all Junk food. And the later category has Bhoomi and me…

My search for good food continues here during my stay in UK and I miss terribly company of Sesh and Vasuki.

With guidance from my local colleagues here, I search extensively for Indian restaurants and café’s. When my colleague Graham informed that “Chicken tikka” is the most extensively liked national dish of UK, I was quite shocked. We get Darjeeling and Assam tea as well and that’s also a part of breakfast. All in all quite a bit of connection between India and UK and I am loving it.  Local people here love to explore Indian options and love the curry and spices. And well, that’s the reason British came to India in search of Black gold.  A place like UK which is more about multi-culture and multi-ethnic, I am successful in searching Asian (rather Indian) shops and hotels and take-aways. Though, I am not extremely happy, but not disappointed as well. Though Wolverhampton is not as big as Bangalore, it has more than 30 Indian restaurants. I have seen people mostly talking in Hindi and Punjabi.  Though I love to search for different type of food from different cultures and countries, being a Vegetarian my options are limited. I am not disheartened or feeling sad. But my adventure of tasting food continues… Without our close partners Sesh , Vasuki and Bhoo…

Love you guys.. 🙂

Lazy Monday and ghost lamp..

Once an FB update on my friend’s wall read – What’s so big about weekend? They come fast and so as Mondays too. Well, it’s been always exciting to have a weekend, but on the other hand we have Mondays approaching fast as well. The pain for Monday blues starts as early as Sunday noon. And one of the most painful things is to get up early morning on Monday. The most irritating thing will be the alarm which I usually keep at 5.45 am and put the geyser on and again take a nap till 6 am. Sometimes I feel the alarm should not ring, but unlike other malfunctioning items, this has been quite loyal to ring at correct time. Looking at the dipping temperatures in Bangalore, it’s really a pain in a**. After getting ready, walking barely less than 100 mts to catch our office bus is kind of a longest walk I take. Right from my Geometric days, this has been the routine, not much is changed over a period of time except the pickup point (Earlier it was Vijaynagar and now it is changed to Bangalore International Public School). Well, though this mood will be till I get to office and catch up with pals there, but still that timing is like awful.  And to get in full working mood it almost takes half a day…

Like the any other early Monday morning, I had just finished my breakfast and about to get back to my seat I heard my colleague calling me from back. There was a kind of surprise fear on his face.

He pointed at one of the lights in our lab and said “Dinesh, can u see that overhang light?”

I had a close look at that and said “Yeah, why what happened?” (Though I am keen observer sometimes, this was a kind of a formal stuff)

“Just see carefully, that light is oscillating a bit and the remaining lights are stationary”

This made me to take a look at that light once again within a second. And gosh, it was oscillating and oscillating well compared to other overhang lights.

What the hell..?

All the other lights, some of them were ON and others were OFF are stationary, but this light was just giving a kind of a simple pendulum motion.  “This I have been observing from 7.30 in the morning. I was thinking it could be due to breeze or may be someone has accidentally touched it or something similar. But nope, this is not stopping at all. I mean I am really scared man” was his explanation without removing his sight from the lamp.

I had heard from colleagues who were working as technicians there before the new lab was built about some strange stuff. May not be paranormal, but they used to get frightened sometime too. No one knew exactly what was there earlier as the entire electronic city was far from the city.

Tiny layouts are popping up all over the places and the city is witnessing unprecedented growth. There are many layouts built nearer to burial grounds or even some may have been vanished making ways to layouts/apartments.   I was forced to think if there is any other negative energy over there which is abnormal and affecting our lamps.

On a lighter side, sometimes our deadlines too get going further and further delaying. Well, is that the same force which is creating problems for that lamp also? This could also generate some negative energy to our suppliers who, come what may don’t send the things on time. Without any reason our systems become hell slow and don’t let us work at normal pace at all (It happened to Harry, me and sunny many times).

I had heard and seen people getting affected from the paranormal things, but lamp…!!! This was the first time. Except in movies, where the doll or lifeless objects get processed, this was a kind of personal experience to me.

I tried to get closer to the lamp to check if something I could find (Though I was trying to be brave, but this was really getting scary). Below that lamp there were two control units (kind of a server). They could not affect the lamp as they were stationary. And if they affect, then the entire lamps should oscillate, but nothing, this is the only lamp which is just moving to and fro.

By that time few more of my colleagues had come and they were also curiously watching what’s going on there. Everyone saw from different angles… but none could come out with exact reason why the lamp is oscillating. Finally I decided I won’t go to that side and came and sat on my seat.

The lamp still oscillates to date and no one could make out why?

The secret unveiled:  

The lamp oscillates due to air coming from a small fan located exactly below it put up on the server.

The night shift incidents are mere a chatting events and nothing more than that. These are the most interesting topics discussed on a cup of tea for a kind of Time pass.

The systems slow down abruptly due to scheduled antivirus scans.

(Edited by: Amitha)

Mangalore Shame

When Taliban took over from a civilian government in Afghanistan, one of the first things they did was to impose Shariat law. It prohibited women from attending schools/colleges, talking to other men apart from their husband or father, covering entire body right from head to toe with veils and so on. Many of independent successful women from Afghanistan were confined to home during the regime. The one who tried to defy the law were either sentenced or splashed with acid on their face. Many women were executed for carrying out prostitution. The plight of women during the Taliban regime was horrible. Clearly there were no human rights what so ever. 

Coming to recent attack in Mangalore pub and a collage student for talking to a Muslim guy raises questions not only about some self styled morale police (self appointed cultural cops) copying Taliban culture but also about situation of law and order in Karnataka. To add salt to wound, they further threatened to disrupt Valentine’s Day in Bangalore. More sadly the approach of state government in these cases was disappointing and irresponsible. Instead of cracking on them and putting them behind bars, Karnataka home minister issued many statements which had put fear in citizens about safety of common man.

Mind you media from across the border waits for such opportunity to malign India and showcase to the world how human rights are violated here. There are many channels and websites (like www.pakalert.wordpress.com) in Pakistan or which are supported by Pakistan show such incidents to the world by exaggerating the actual facts. Incidents like Mangalore give all such people chance to degrade us in every possible manner. 

India, the land of Khajuraho and an ancient civilization from where greatest tale of Love Kamasutra, was scripted facing a new threat from these modern saffron Taliban brigade. These people are not only deciding what others should do, but also imposing their own culture on us. This clearly shows problematic male attitude towards women. (I think I need a separate page to talk on this issue) 

When we are accepting liberalization as a main step to become a world class economy, import of western culture is part of that process. The fact is VHP and many Hindu organizations get huge money from abroad in the name of protecting Hindu culture. There is no count for the amount of money saffron brigade has got for building Ram temple (Which they remember ONLY during election time). For some people money is acceptable in Dollars and Euros. But westernization is not accepted. Attacking people in the name of violating Hindu culture has become a style. It is an easy way to get publicity. Who knew about Muthalik before Mangalore attacks? And who knew about Raj Thackery before his people attacked non-Marathi people in Mumbai. Taking law into one’s own hand in the name of protecting Indian culture has become a new trend. These kinds of acts will surely assure you instant publicity and an overnight celebrity status. 

Ramasene marriage.. insane

Cartoon of the week - (Forwarded by R Bimal)

Whether it is Shiv Sena or MNS goons in Maharashtra or Sri Ram Sene in Mangalore or even some Maulvi who imposed fatwa on Salman Khan for offering prayers at Siddhivinayak temple in Mumbai, all are same who just want to get publicity and want to showcase themselves as sole protectors of local culture. (Let’s not forget it was Shiv Sena who first arranged Michael Jackson concert in Mumbai, and Mr Raj Thackery welcomed Jackson along with Sonali Bendre. Today he claims himself to be a sole person to protect the rights of Marathi Manoose in Mumbai). 

Senior BJP leader late Pramod Mahajan’s daughter was into modeling and used to wear skinny dresses as it was the part of the profession. None of these saffron parties protested at that time. Even recently no one protested for Rahul Mahajan’s not so decent act of using foul language or even getting intimate with co-occupants (Payal Rohatgi, Monica Bedi) on a reality show (Bigg Boss). 

In the past, India was invaded by so many emperors. Right from Alexander the Great to French, British etc., but still the culture here remains intact. There were people like Chageez khan, Ghajani Mohammad, Timur Lung (On December 17, 1398, Timur ordered killing of 100,000 captives most of them were Hindus. Women were forcibly married to his soldiers and converted to Islam. (Wikipedia article on Timur.) Number of Moghal emperors who tried to convert and converted innumerous Hindus to Islam. Many innocent Hindus were massacred during attacks by Mongols and Moghals. Later there were many attempts to convert people in British, Portuguese and French rulers. But still today the Indian culture remains strong and healthy. India remains and strong secular state where many religions co exists with communal harmony and cultural tolerance. India remains a strong role model to many nations even now. Muslims here never buy an idea of western Islam and still Indian civilization is totally secular. There are number of places where both Hindu and Muslim gods are worshipped together. 

In simple terms India don’t need Muthaliks or Thakareys. The real place for these people is behind bars. They have no authority to act as they want and impose their ideas on citizens. Our culture is strong enough to sustain any cultural interference and yet stand tall. Hope the state government here and at other places ensures safety of its citizens. And let couples celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day with lots of love and affection all over the country.

(Thanks to HS Balaram, Prabhu Churi and Amitha.)

House TO-LET

Searching for a good rented house in Bangalore is a big problem and headache now a days. I am staying in Bangalore from last 5 years, earlier before marriage with friends and now with my wife (ofcourse). My present owner’s son is shifting here from Australia and also getting married. Hence we need to search for another house. Since we both are very much comfortable with the area, we decided to look out for some place here only. The area I am talking about is Vijanagar, Saraswathi Nagar and around GKW layout. When we shifted here almost two and half years back, the rent here was not that much as it is now. We are paying around 6K per month excluding water bills which is shared in between. As it’s a independent 2 story house, there is no question of maintenance and all. Parking is shared again, good thing is there is not much disturbance from the owner. Though we were at the receiving end in sharing the water bills every month, since the area is calm and other facilities (like Bus stop, auto and grocery shops are walkable) were nearby, we did not bother much.

Now we are searching house so that at least some of the above things are satisfied. Our quest for finding new house started with searching houses in Ad-mag and Free-ads every week. Ams looks out potential houses and marks them, and we start calling them for having a look at the house and here starts the problem.

The attitude of people, especially those who have built houses especially for rent is really disturbing and horrible, apart from outsiders who were responsible for the increase in cost of living of the garden city, the locals are also equally responsible for the present situation.

Coming back to house searching adventure,  In less than 600 sft of area they construct two bed rooms (somehow) , where if you put a 5X6 cot, no space will be left around (You will have a wardrobe for name sake) to even walk. A small kitchen where it will be difficult to sit, only thing you could do is stand (Don’t think of relaxing if you get tired while cooking…..) and cook. A tiny hall which you can hardly accommodate TV set and some chairs (A large sofa set is totally ruled out… Don’t even think it), and in case you happen to be visited by more than 4 guests, you should ask them to wait outside for a while, or ask them to get into a bedroom or kitchen.

The owners proudly say, their house is perfectly suited for a small family (We got to ask definition of “small family” to this gentleman).  If you look out for apartment, then though the rooms might be smaller but the rent will be more as there will be car parking and security as they claim.

The greed to make more MONEY has totally ruined the Bangalore culture and made the owners to build small match box like houses and rent them out for hefty amount. Some houses which are more than couple of decades old and have cockroaches, lizerds  and mouse as co-occupants. But rent wise no one is simply ready to come down even if the facilities go for a toss.

Once the house is shown to you, first question that the house owner will shoot is “Are you a software engineer?” else somehow he will try to get your occupation as what work you are doing. He could be judging what is your salary and based on that he will decide how much to ask you as rent. If the company is not heard or not so famous then owner will be least interested to rent it out. Also if your company name ends with something like “SOFTWARE LIMITED” or “SOFTWARE CORP” then you may get some respect.

One more funny incident when a house owner did not show any interest to even tell the rent the moment he realized I am not a software guy. Well, situation was not so bad earlier, Bangalore was not like this. People were not so greedy. Though I’m restricting myself to Vijaynagar, my friends tell that across all places in Bangalore its the same thing and some places the exploitation is still worst.

People don’t know how long this boom will be there and what impact it will have aftermath. Till these so called “software guys” are there everyone wants to make money. House owners, Vegetable vendors, Builders, Auto wallas, Shopping malls, multiplex, domestic help  and virtually everyone. Resulting in increase in the cost of living. And the people who will be at receiving end are the middle class and lower middle class people. I have come across many examples where people have shifted from Bangalore to their natives due to increase in cost, and these peopel were in Bangalore from really long time. It may be still worst if the cost of living is not controlled at this point of time… Further due to the increase in cost factor multinationals may shift (some have already begun) to tier 2 cities leaving Bangalore dry. The BUBBLE will burst, sooner or later…

Solutions like planned layouts, regulation in rentals, more strict building regulations may help to control mammoth unplanned growth of the city. Whether it is outsiders or locals, restoring the culture of Bangalore is important.

Let’s wish “Namma Bangalooru” will have same green and peaceful city reputation for many years to come…

India wins…

January 31, 1999.

MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai.

India versus Pakistan.

First Test – Day 4.

India chasing 271 to win in second innings in a full capacity crowd in MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai.

Pakistani national cricket team was touring India after more than a decade. The regular tours between worlds’ two most hostile nations could not happen since many reasons had resumed again. India’s pride was at stake and it’s obvious that, we wanted the glory to be ours in the inaugural match.

We had few of world’s greatest players on our side.

Greatest ever batsman world has ever seen after Sir. Don Bradman – Sachin Tendulkar.

Greatest leggie the world has seen : The gentlemen cricketer Anil Kumble.

Best fast bowler India had produced after Kapil Dev : Javagal Srinath.

Young and promising batsmen who proved their might later: Saurav and Rahul.

And one captain who wanted to prove that he was still the best : Mohammad Azaruddin.

India’s second innings was shattered with early wickets and in no time our score was reduced to 5 for 82. It took master blaster to take control along with Nayan Mongia to wage a fight back against Pakis. India was in quest for what would be hailed as historic victory, but Wasim Akram had other plans.

Akram was building pressure by continuously appealing. It seemed to be a lone battle between Sachin and duo Wasim and Saqlain Mushtaq after Mongia went for well played 52 as India were 6 for 218. With hurt back, waged a lone battle. When it was 254, a misjudged shot of a flighted delivery by Saqlain Mushtaq did the trick. Ball went up in air, and Wasim Akram made no mistake in accepting the catch. As tearful Sachin walked out of ground, Pakis knew they had won the battle. Another 4 runs is what tail ender could add and Pakistan won the match by 12 runs.

Most of Indian supporters shell shocked with what was supposed to be an Indian victory. Even Man of the match award for Sachin did not console.

India had lost the match. 

MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai.

After 9 years….

December 15, 2008

MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai.

India versus England.

First Test – Day 5.

….. A bunch of young boys under a few test old captain with couple of veteran cricketers who were taking on English team. 

 India chasing 387 to win in second innings.

The past memories of India versus Pakistan match were still afresh. But all was just a text book end to the match. It again took a mammoth effort by Sachin Tendulkar (103*) and Yuvraj Singh (85*) to register a 1-0 lead in 2 test series against visiting English team.

India wins by 6 wickets, 4th highest total ever chased.

Again Sachin was Man of the match.

This time there were no tears, victory was good, though it failed to erase those bad 1999 memories, and it was a consolation for us.



Mumbai attacked again…

The city of Mumbai was taken at ransom by bunch of terrorists on November 26, 2008. They took scores of innocent lives by firing indiscriminately at Chatrapathi Shivaji Terminus (CST or VT), Metro cinema, Cama hospital and taking people hostage at the Oberoi, the Taj and Nariman house (They say for any Islamic terrorist killing a Jewish is a sure way to heaven – what a crap) . 

Till I publish this blog, the gun battles were on at Taj and Nariman house.

The terrorists took some well known 5 star hotels killing many unarmed innocent people and took many people hostage there. Most of front office staff of Taj has been killed by these terrorists and many of foreign nationals were also been targeted. 

Me and my wife (Amitha) were worried for our close friend Sunayana as she works with JW Marriot. Early morning around 2.00 am on 27th, news channels reported of possible attack on Marriot and nearby Ramada. We tried to call her, on cell phone and landline. As expected the lines were jammed. Scrapped thru orkut, and till late next day we had no response. Finally around 4 in the evening, we were relieved to have a scrap from Sunayana, who was stuck in Marriot but was safe. We both could speak to her today and got an idea of how serious was the situation out there. Most of South Mumbai was either closed or was under curfew. Almost all of front office staff at Taj was shot dead. They were also soft on particular community people and were only asking for British and US passport holders (Often our leaders say terrorism has no religion, they need to think again).

Things have been done at a very systematic way with highly professional accuracy and coordination. They were highly trained and have complete idea of city’s landscape and the hotel layout where they took number of people hostage. The way terrorists have targeted top cops and encounter specialists, it seems there was a clear help from local underworld (May be D company and its vendetta on Vijay Salaskar and Hemant Karkare).   

I share some of horrific pictures of  Mumbai after the attack.

The so called concept of terrorism, where unarmed innocent people are targets, is cowardly and must be dealt with harsh punishable measures. These bunch of B*******, who really do not have guts to take on our army, come and either place bombs or fire bullets and run away, should be killed in public (most of them were killed like dogs in Mumbai). One who tries to attack Indians should be taught a lesson of life not to commit such mistake again.  

Our heart goes with people whose closed ones are stuck up in stalemate or missing. Our deep condolences to one who have lost their lives and we salute those brave soldiers who laid their lives to protect us.

Some channels like TIMES NOW, NDTV and CNN-IBN were sensitive in covering the entire events. But there were some channels like 9X to whom the death of ATS chief was dramatic event. The narration was so hopeless and insensitive, we really felt as some idiot was on air and talking some bullsh** (One news reader from 9X used ‘over there’ almost 50 times in 10 min).   I think beyond thinking of TRPs they also need to think that they are Indians first.

Finally, we tend to forget the things soon, and as usual politicians start taking advantage and credit of the situation and play some vote bank politics.

May be next time when a software company is taken hostage or entire airport…

May be they blow up the train or some busy mall on a weekend. And again politicians start blaming some other country to hide their inability to protect us….

It’s time that people in government are made accountable and asked for the loss of so many innocent lives. 

India has been bleeding from centuries and we really don’t know how long this will continue. How many more innocent people have to lay their lives before we get up and strike back?