Long live Junglee Jawani

There is nothing “BAD” than choosing a movie which is not only a flop, but also v realize that we’ve been self duped in selecting it. It happens with many of us and keeps on happening.

Though I don’t  remember the number of disaster movies I’ve seen (last one being Raavan), but keep on doing the same mistakes every now and then… And it really feels happy (I am not a sadist, but it’s really fun to pull someone’s legs like that) that someone is following ur footsteps. One of my colleagues has been a “forced bachelor” for long weekend and to kill boredom he went to a Telugu movie called “Bhava”. I did see the poster, but did not care much. Well, to my colleagues surprise he was alone in the balcony throughout the movie. It must be quite hurting to know that (I could understand the same as I also went through that phase in life…).

I too had a similar experience once during my college days… Idea was to get refreshed from the regular boredom and to have some fun me and collage pal Ravya went to a movie called “Kaalia” to Prakash theatre in Belgaum.

Well, the biggest foolishness was to purchase a balcony ticket.

I was optimistic that at least some 10-15 seats will fill up by the time movie starts. But it did not take much time to realize that I was wrong. I and my pal Ravi were the only two people sitting in balcony along with few front benches (what we call Gandhi class people).

To our shock, even the guy who was supposed to close the curtain was also not there. I think the theater people were so sure that nobody will come to watch that particular movie in balcony by paying 25 bucks.

There were quite a lot of movies with combination of Mithun chakraborthy with some not so top class B grade heroines at that time!!! I remember reading somewhere he had a record of maximum flops in a row as well and having entered Guinnis book of world records for that awful achievement (Well, Abhishek tried a lot to give a tough competition, but he could not succeed-A real bad luck Jr.B). This movie had action sequences which would even send the Hollywood stunt folks into shock.

Later it became a part of our college life to go and watch Mithunda’s movies to kill the boredom and have maximum entertainment with a group of 10-15 friends. It used to be fun. Sometimes we used to get confused whether we are watching action or comedy movie.

As most of the movies had similar storyline and all of them shot in Ooty. Almost all of the movies TLV Prasad used to be director and being produced by Mithun Dream Factory (I think now he has serious competition from RGV’s Factory. Remember his films like RGV ki AAG, Darling, Naach, Agyaat and many more).

Here is the interesting thing: TLV holds record as one director doing so many numbers of films with one Hero ( Mithun ) without break in short span in LIMCA BOOK OF RECORDS.

Though these movies fail to get notice by most, many such movies came later and created their own space and audiences. (If we could recollect in Rockstar, Nargis asks Ranbir to take her to a movie called “Junglee Jawani”) With minimal investment and eye catching posters, B grade movies used to make good business. Off late, there were many articles on the success rates of such movies with producers making decent ROI. There was an article in INDIA TODAY, according to which there were special theaters in metros like Mumbai and these movies always used to run full for most of the times. Even now, I see some posters like that, which means B Grade movies are here to stay…

Well, all we can say is “Long live Junglee Jawani…”

Curse of a Lecturer

The most joyful and memorable days I (WE) spent are during four years of engineering. It was simply carefree-fun filled-thrilling life. It was like sitting all possible “ADDAS” in the college like canteen, corridor, under any available tree across the campus, library (mind you not to read but for some other purpose), parking lot, and so on (take it as – except classroom – EVERYWHERE).

But the atmosphere in engineering was slightly stricter than PU as the lecturers used to have more power by controlling those “VERY ESSENTIAL” fifteen marks. So we were bound to show respect to our lecturers (All those close-up smiles when we used to see them as if we were very pleased and those “Good morning sir… Good after noon sir … and so on were not sincerely true from our heart all the time.) Its not that we never showed respect to them from heart, but very few were worth getting respected by student community.

In the mean time, for our sixth semester, we got a new lecturer. He was fresh graduate out of REC Surathkal and seemed very brainy and intelligent. He used to wear a thick glass and never bothered about his dress (though there was no dress code as such). He was assigned few units and not the entire subject. So we were sure we don’t have to get scared to him, as he was not controlling those “fifteen” marks. As a result, all of a sudden everyone became charged up to take on Mr. Newbie. It was just like visiting back to those two years in Pre-University College. The frustration of maintaining discipline during previous three years of engineering was clearly visible and all the fellas in the class were all out to take on Mr. Newbie. No one used to other to ask permission before entering the class and also while going out. Desks used to move around in the middle of class. Few of us used to feel hot in the class and put on the fan, and half of the class used to get cold and the process of switching the fan ON-OFF used to be a infinite “DO” loop till Mr. Newbie class used to get over. There used to be endless discussions on useless topics like Hari mandir vada paav, cricket match with Electrical team, hottest chick on Deshmukh road, useless movies to be seen in coming week and so on.

Problem with Mr. Newbie was that he never was sure what he was teaching (Though he was knowledgeable) apart from that he never spoke to anyone of us. This further made us feel that he is scared of us. For us Mr. Newbie was reflection of all those in lecturer community whom we used to hate to core. This was the chance to get “revenge” and everyone took with heart. One day the frustration ion Mr. Newbie reached yield point and he just told one sentence to all of us… “I know why you people are behaving like this in the class. But the real stuff you will come to know once you are out of the college and at that time you realize what is life…”

Mr. Newbie did not complete full year in the college and left as he got some better opportunity outside in non teaching field. We forgot him and passed out of college armed with Bachelor’s degree in hand. Few of the classmates got into GRE preparation and most of us started searching job. Just as if it was waiting for us to come out of college, “RECESSION” stuck due to 9/11 with full blow across all verticals. Right from manufacturing and software suffered alike. Forget about hiring freshers, there were layoffs all around. Seniors who were hired and working as trainees were laid off citing performance. Few of us who were in Bangalore at that time in search of job, used to listen to the stories of how people were “fired” using new innovative techniques by the employers. As most of our senior and batch toppers and creamy layer were struggling, moral was extremely low for all of us (more or less, we were average students in college).

In Bangalore we visited every company in and around electronic city, ITPL to Peenya searching for jobs. And this job search was in group as we used to go in a group of 4-5 people with a target of at least 10 companies per day. Posh companies (for us at that time) never used to entertain us inside the campus and just used to collect the resume in security gate itself.

It was that time my close pal, Shailya (Shailesh Deshpande) recollected the curse of Mr. Newbie during our college days, and told me “Dinya, it’s all due to the curse by that ******* le… We made him suffer and now we are getting it paid back in the same way but by some other means…”

The outside world was not as green as it was on college and it took us very little time to realize… Well, after eight years… again the “RECESSION” is back with bang and looms large over all of us…

“What goes around, comes around…”

The Apple…




A-P-P-L-E…. responsible for Adam and Eve to commit the first sin…


A-P-P-L-E…. inspired Isaac Newton to discover gravity…


A-P-P-L-E…. helped Robert Langdon to discover the location of Holy Grail in Da Vinci code…


One A-P-P-L-E…. per day keeps doctor away… (In case Hubby/Wife is a doc and Wife/hubby eats one A-P-P-L-E per day, then….)


There are so many things about A-P-P-L-E….


We too have had an important connection to it.

(WE – Dinnya, Sammya, Vinnya, Shailya, Sachya, Shivya n Shirya…)


Year 1996 to 2000… During which We studied engineering.


Classes used to start sharply at 8 am in the morning as per time table. But most of the times our lecturers get confused with the timings and arrive late. (With due respect sirs, lets accept this fact…) After all they too are human beings.


How to pass this time… 8.00 to 8.30 am … So best thing is, to sit under tree and seriously discuss about current affairs(Yes, U thought it right.. AFFAIRS) in college.


Many of our batch mates from Electronics and computer science used to ask us “Why do u guys sit under the trees, where as u have good locations like canteen?”


Answer: “Folks, we are waiting for the apple to fall on someone’s head here… ”


Some used to understand… some simply think these people are interested in watching chicks from their branches… May be that was also one of the reasons prompted them to ask us … Obviously some of THEIR people (Girls to be straight) might have got disturbed/irritated/offended with laud laughs or some  other thing. Anyways we never used to care about what others think at that point of time.


Apart our HOD, who used to pass by around same time… again an unpleasant look…


But never commented till we were out of college…


Finally our respected lecturer used to arrive… As fresh as he is just out of bed… “Good morning sir…”

One more unpleasant look. Thinking HOD might have noticed these USELESS fellows sitting here and got to know lecturer is late again.


Time to move into class… else we miss the ATTENDENCE… (Lecture is secondary and anyway who used to understand it… except few…)


Like this our day used to begin in the college… We waited for four years… One day the A-P-P-L-E will fall… and who knows someone may be inspired like Newton.


But NO…


Finally, non of us could become Newton as that A-P-P-L-E, which inspired Newton, did fail to inspire us.


Finally, why did A-P-P-L-E did not fall on any of us…? (Kind of RCA… Root Cause Analysis)




Have a Great day…