
It’s been more than three months, I joined my new organization Moog controls. With new friends who fall in the same wavelength as mine, it did not take much time to adjust to new environment. The routine is more the less same as it was in Geometric. Usually have to take a walk from my place to pickup point, it takes less than 10 min (This is the only exercise I do and added up almost 4kgs more to my existing weight… Dinesh… U need to think seriously boy…). Our new cab driver Murthy is not much talkative as Manju, our cab fella in Geometric. He is quite, but pretty organized and decent. Minds his work, never mingles with anyone, and neither joins any cab parties either (we’ll change him soon though). But never misses out any of the cab mates unless it’s too late.

We have a good group in mechanical team. Very jovial and fun loving people, but at work all will be damn serious and professional.

Daily, I board cab around 6.20 in the morning and reach sharply by 7.15 (I take a good nap in cab). There won’t be much of noise as well as environmental pollution early in the morning. The day starts with cup of hot tea and some light gup-shup with pals. Usually will be related to some general stuff or pulling someone’s leg (or sometimes mine is also pulled). By 7.30 everyone will glue to their computer monitors. All of 27 heads will indulge totally themselves into work with occasional email forwards and chats across the table, either for some general discussion or kind of help seeking and troubleshooting from colleagues.

Almost a week back Ranjit, Chandru and Harish, my colleagues observed some sound coming from window.


Initially they though must be due to the window curtain frame hitting the glass… But later when it repeated regularly, they decided to check out from where the sound was coming from.

There was a small bird, Chandru calls Robin, was sitting and hitting the glass window. May be Robin was trying to come inside the office. Was he looking for an association with us or he wants to gain knowledge about what we folks do here…? Robin looks very handsome and smart. Since the windows will be shut to have a controlled temperature for AC, he has to knock the glass of the window. Interestingly he keeps knocking window glass on Gnaneshwar’s side sometime and Sripadh’s side. We think he is inclined towards CFD and Structural analysis.


He grabs attention from the ones sitting near the window and moves away and sits on nearby tree calling his friends (or may be girlfriend/wife… wink). Robin is repeating this routine from almost a week and since we don’t understand his language, we are unable to establish a formal communication with him. But surely will establish soon and try to check out his area of interest and how soon we could be friends.

We would like to see Robin as one of our member and we share good time amongst us.

As the concrete jungles occupy the extension limits of the city, we are really excited to see tall trees and greenery around our campus. On a sad note, it’s really un-imaginable to estimate the number of birds and other species displaced from one place to other as we go on building the new apartments and software parks. There were hundreds of trees being cut in the name of flyovers, underpasses and metro project. It is hard to estimate how many Robins were either displaced from their homes and how many simply got killed in the name of these flyovers, underpasses and metro project. It sounds like some movie where an alien ship comes, displaces human beings from their place and occupies all of our land (Remember I AM LEGEND movie…?).

Frankly speaking the GARDEN CITY, Namma Bengalooru has lost all its charm when it comes to greenery. Daily so many trees are cut. The summer is becoming hotter and hotter. And this is gonna go worst in future.

Still the future is purely in our hands. We can still build a good future…

Wish the ecological balance of this planet is preserved and the nature and human beings maintain the equilibrium avoiding more man-animal conflicts…

(Photos – Chandrashekhar K N)

4 thoughts on “Robin…

  1. Very nice to hear about the “Robin”. you are very kind towards the nature , i really appreciate your corncern about the nature and support you in this context.nowadays banglore as lost its greenery and its our responsibility to safe gaurd as what it is now. we cant bring back the old bangalore greenary and environment.sure we try to do something on this.

    hope we will success in this …………..

    kudos dinesh

  2. Hi Dinesh,

    Your Robin article is damn good.

    One small correction: that is a weaver bird and not a robin.


  3. Dins,

    Nice blog.The bird is very cute..True, b’lore is becoming hotter and hotter day by trees are being cut daily..Hope the government takes adequate measures in planting trees as against they cut good old trees in the name of road widening or Metro and bring back the lost charm to Namma Bengaluru..


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